Security AnalysisSecurity Analysis consists of checking for potential configuration issues, weak passwords and vulnerable software on your firewall and any other public network hosts. All testing performed by Protectix is non-intrusive and non-destructive. Post analysis, Protectix offers remediation, to help eliminate vulnerabilities on an hourly/per project basis. Protectix offers two basic Security Analysis services, One-time or Ongoing. Protectix One-time Security Analysis is perfect for the organization that has an internal IT department that is on top of security issues that just wants the occasional fresh perspective from a reliable third party. Ongoing analysis is more suitable for the security conscious organization that wants to keep close tabs on the integrity of their network or may have an IT group which is stretched too thin. For free consulting on which is best for you organization, please contact us. What if vulnerabilities are found?Protectix offers hourly or contract consulting services to help eliminate known vulnerabilities and will recommend solutions for mitigating possible future vulnerabilities. Eliminating known vulnerabilities constitutes installing vendor supplied security fixes and upgrading or replacing vulnerable systems. More On Ongoing Security Analysis:The need of any business to change their network and the de facto insecurity of software makes ongoing maintenance of security necessary. A one-time analysis is good for discovery to help improve a network's defenses however one must also keep up those defenses over time. After an initial security analysis, Protectix can passively check for vulnerabilities and misconfigurations on an ongoing basis. Data from Protectix Ongoing Security Analysis includes changes in uptime, network configuration and software updates. A scanning engine is used to monitor your network uptime and automate the discovery of configuration changes and vulnerabilites. A Protectix security specialist is responsible for monitoring this data and sending it to our customers along with resources on software updates relevant to the customer's network. The Protectix Ongoing Security Assessment service always includes a One-time Security Analysis and is available on a yearly contract basis. Protectix also offers Outsource Remote Administration services, which includes Ongoing Security Analysis. Please call our sales department for more information. |